
AfrikaBurn will blow your hair back whichever way you choose to experience it. The more you do, the more fun you’ll have – guaranteed, because it’s a do-ocracy – a place where you’re welcome to start something, make something or do anything (within reason). Forget standing at the sidelines – jump in with both feet and get busy!

There are many ways to participate, and it’s largely an anarchic space in the true sense of the word – nobody’s directing the action and you’re free to do as you please as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. The only thing expected of you is that you build something, sing something, dance something, cook something, make something, gift something, share something, play something, or fill almost any role that strikes your fancy – so long as you do something you’re participating.

If you want to get involved, you’ve come to the right place.



For a start there’s a host of volunteer roles that need filling – and there’s a full list below where you can read about those, and sign up. You can pick your own shifts, and choose what suits you.

If you’re not sure what you want to volunteer for, no problem – you can hop on over to the Volunteer Facebook page, and check out what they’re looking for right now, or get in touch with [email protected] and they’ll help you find your niche.

Got any questions about volunteering? Here’s your spot.

Sign up as a General Volunteer here.


Marketing permission: I give my consent to AfrikaBurn Volunteers to be in touch with me via email using the information I have provided in this form for the purpose of news and updates.



Yep, we have an airstrip, and it needs to be staffed by capable aircraft lovers. Sound like the thing for you?

Contact [email protected] for shift details. 


Artefactory? What the hell is that? It’s a place where we put all the arty artefacts and the singular pieces of strange history that have gotten us to where we are. It’s a really cool place to come to learn more about That Thing In The Tankwa. 



Working here means you’re the reception desk for arriving artists and theme camps, both registered and unregistered. You’d get to help them locate their designated spots (or find them one). This is a great way to meet the people that create the magic of Tankwa Town.

Sign up for Arteria shifts right here.


The large art structures erected at AfrikaBurn need many hands to bring them to life. Good with power tools, wood, metal or electricity? 

Click here to sign up as an Art Volunteer with our Arteria crew.

Department of Mutant Vehicles (DMV)

Love the smell of LRP in the morning?! Why not hitch a ride on the back of a butterfly, a bumblebee or a unicorn? Come meet the builders, artists and creators, get to know them and be inspired to maybe build your own. So get on the highway, point yourself our way, DMV awaits.

Click right here to ride the highway to Tankwa.

Department of Public Works (DPW)

Our DPW are responsible for creating the key infrastructure of the event: roads, signage, toilets and much more. Like getting your hands dirty? Your skills will be put to good use working with the DPW. In order to take on the role of being DPW crew volunteer, you’ll need up to five weeks free time out in the Tankwa Karoo.

Read more about DPW here, here and here. The form is on one of those pages – consider finding it the first part of your application process. 

Die Hek Welcome Crew

When people arrive with Tankwa stars in their eyes, this is the crew that processes them and their tickets. It’s a great way to meet loads of people, and share in the stoke of arrival. Sound good? It is good.

You shall not pass! Unless you want to volunteer – then click here. 


This is a critical role, and ideal for those who can’t do any heavy lifting or labour, but are great at looking after those who do. Involves sweets, treats, shade and spritzers. Sound like something you’re into?



Bubbly? Enthusiastic? Fancy welcoming the citizens of Tankwa Town with a smile, song or dance? Perfect. Get to dress up and welcome, orientate and inform people as they arrive.

Got gas for greeting? Click here to sign up!
Visit the Facebook Page

Ice Palace

They dish out the coolest – and only – product sold in Tankwa Town. It’s a great way to meet people, and earn the undying admiration of thirsty and hot burners.

Join our Ice crew by signing up here.

Kids Corner

There’s nothing more awesome than the freedom of being a child at AfrikaBurn. This year we’re opening up a new children’s area in the Chillaz Space for our younger participants. There will be various kids activities such as unique Tankwa colouring books and a participation based Africa art installation.

NOTE: Please register your kids at the gate upon arrival. Addresses can be updated at the Kids Corner.


Kitchen Crew

Every year, behind the scenes, the hard working Kitchen Crew swings into action to keep the AB staff steady on their feet 24/7 by keeping them fed and well hydrated.  Even if you’re a kitchen novice, come and help prep, serve, and of course, clean up.  You’ll have a unique, behind the scenes, interactions with the folks from all over the world who make AB happen.


Leave No Trace

This one’s for those who love our desert enough to want to stay on, and experience it once the crowds have left – and help to make sure we really do leave no trace.

MOOP and Leave No Trace are TBC

Lost & Found

Our [simple_tooltip content=’Find out more about the name from one of the volunteer coordinators or ops team.’]Just In (e)[/simple_tooltip] booth is where all the missing things are collected. From lost cameras to lost minds, you can find it all here. Shifts involve manning the booth, receiving lost items and logging them and then reuniting people with found items.

Click here to reunite humans with their items.

Matter Out Of Place (MOOP)

The Tankwa Karoo is a pristine environment, but all the stuff that hits the ground has to be removed, and despite the fact that AfrikaBurn is a Leave No Trace event, some people don’t read – or sometimes forget – the manual. Which is when MOOP happens. (Matter Out Of Place)! Got some karma to work off?

MOOP and Leave No Trace are TBC

Media Booth

Be on hand to assist photographers, members of the media and independent film crews, to register on site and get a sense of how best to approach fellow Burners to request their photo be taken, or be filmed. Being an on-site mogul is a great way to meet people (and you get a prime position to watch the world go by).

No media booth in 2022 – find Brian at the RFT Caravan or Tim at the Bus.


We do a lot of outreach both during and outside of our event period, but there’s LOT to do during the event. Come help us do great things in the Tankwa and the rest of the world. 



Rangers aren’t the police or security, but rather there to make sure everyone has a good time and doesn’t get hurt. They’re active participants in the community, who promote awareness of what AfrikaBurn is all about and point out potential hazards. Rangers walk about, engage with the community and mediate where necessary.

So if you enjoy assisting others, guiding the odd burner through a difficult circumstance and generally enjoy keeping the peace, you’re Ranger material. But bear in mind you must be calm, flexible and have a sense of humour.

Meet up with Rangers here: Info & Training Page
Sign up for shifts here: TBC
Learn a little more about them here, here, and even here.


It’s the place where anyone can go if they’re having a hard time, or feeling overwhelmed. If it’s a physical or psychological challenge people are facing and it’s too much too handle, our Sanctuary crew will be on hand to assist in a calm, peaceful space. And you’re welcome to join the team.

For info on Sanctuary (and a link to sign up, if you have the required skills), head here.

The Throne Crew

These are the peeps that roll around in the morning making sure that the loos are stocked and clean and ready to go!

It’s a SUPER fun few hours (especially on the days that we find deposits from the Gifting Fairies) and you get to rest easy in the knowledge that YOU have taken care of some shit for the day.

Click here to join our Throne crew!
More about toilets, thrones and greywater.

Volunteer Booth

Ever wanted to spend some time at the nerve centre, and encourage people to sign up for shifts and help burners volunteer for what they want to do to make this event what it is?

Click here to sign up to join our Volunteer crew.



Once we all get back from the desert and have shaken the dust out of our hair, then it’s time for gather again at our Decompression – and you’re welcome to volunteer to help out at what’s become a fantastic after-event. It’s like a massive family picnic, with art and music. To find out more about the event, head to our announcement here.

Interested in helping out? Mail [email protected] or sign up for shifts directly here.


Looking to Join a Project?

If you’re looking for a theme camp, artwork or mutant vehicle crew to join, head over to our Community Directory page. It’s where a long list of registered projects is displayed – and many of them indicate that they’re open to new members or collaborators.

Click here to browse our Community Directory.


Year-Round Volunteering!

There’s a wide variety of activity that takes place at our HQ and beyond, all year, from Ranger Training to Sanctuary and Green Dot Training, and on to craft-based sessions such as signwriting, carpentry, painting, and sewing. Email [email protected] to let us know what you want to get involved with and what you are up for – or take a look on our main Facebook page to see the latest events listed on our calendar there:

See our events listed on Facebook here.

There are a bunch of other ways to unleash your imagination. So, if you plan on creating a Theme Camp, building an Artwork, bringing a Performance or driving a Mutant Vehicle around, we have loads of info about these:


Click here for Artwork info.

Theme Camps

Click here for Theme Camp info.


Find out Performances here.

Mutant Vehicles

Get info on Mutant Vehicles here.

PLEASE NOTE: Mutant Vehicles MUST be registered before the event – if you rock up with an unregistered Mutant, it will be grounded on site, and become a stationary artwork. Which will be no fun



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