Theme Camps Micro Grants

Photo of the Burning Mail theme camp by Jan Verboom

(Burning Mail Camp / Photo: Jan Verboom)

Theme Camps are the colour of Tankwa Town and these grants aim to encourage and support the fabulous humans involved to generate art, encourage interactivity, increase co-operation and to enable the growth of new ideas.

Having seen how grants can enable creative expression and push projects to the next level, the aim of these Micro Grants is to support our creative community, bolster Theme Camps and to encourage an element of the camp that may not have been able to come to fruition without some measure of funding.

Important points:

  • For the first year, there will be 10 grants of R5000 per Theme Camp. Each Theme Camp is only able to apply for one Grant.
  • Applications open 19th of November and close on the 15th of January.
  • Notice of the success of your application by the 20th of February 2020.
  • The grant will be received in two tranches. The second payment will be awarded when the camp successfully executes their plans in the desert and get a green sign off on the MOOP map.
  • Theme Camps that do not successfully execute will be liable to pay the money back.

Areas of focus for micro grants:

    • Art Elements
    • Renewables and Environmental: to encourage the use of renewable energy and environmental efforts
    • Civic Service Camps: to favour camps offering a service to the community
    • Creative Frontage: for artistic frontage, portal elements or signage that will add to the visual landscape of the Binnekring 
(State of Bliss / Photo: Marinus Greyling)

(State of Bliss / Photo: Marinus Greyling)


  • Interactive Elements: to encourage interactive play
  • Incubators & Start-up Camps: to encourage start-up/young burners to start their own camps – small is beautiful and fun

How to apply for a Theme Camp Micro Grant:

  1. Form a Collective on 
  2. Register a Theme Camp from the Collective Page
  3. There will be a theme camp micro grant button during the Micro Grant Application window
  4. Enter details of the element you are wanting to receive funding for in the application
  5. We will make contact with you once we complete the evaluations 


(Le Petit Paris / Photo: Martin Coetzee)

(Le Petit Paris / Photo: Martin Coetzee)


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