With less than 100 days ’til the Clan burns, the pace starts to pick up on the fundraiser front. Dig in, tuck in and pencil in some dates.
They’ve arrived, set up and are now hurtling towards wowing Burning man with AfrikaBurn art – here’s the update!
Ladies and gents, boys and girls – gather round and lay your eyes upon AfrikaBurn’s very first Moop Map!
It’s time to gather our wits, gather our friends and our finest costume – it’s time to reconnect and release the pressure. Get ready to dress up and get down – it’s Decompression time!
Wanna know what the theme for AfrikaBurn 2014 is? So do we! It’s your AfrikaBurn, and the theme is yours to suggest – so get involved, have a long think, write it down and send it on in!